Authority of the Word of God
We believe in the divine inspiration and authority of the 66 books of the Bible as the complete canon of God’s testimony to mankind. We do not accept any doctrine which contradicts Scripture. We believe God gives dreams, visions, prophetic word, and revelation to this day but that it does not contradict the Word or His character. We believe the supernatural and natural world walk hand in hand and are part of our daily lives
We believe the first step of obedience (or faith) is repentance as Jesus commands us in Matthew 4:17, “Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” We believe repentance is both inward and outward. Repentance in the Greek (metanoeo) inwardly means to change one’s mind and think again. It means to think about things from God’s perspective, to agree with his analysis, and accept His verdict. Outwardly means we confess our sins and correct our sins by changing our behavior.
We believe in the baptism established by Jesus that demanded a confession of specific sins and immersion in water after a commitment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. This represents the washing away of our sins and the brand new start we receive as a new creation. This baptism is a personal and public statement of faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and a choice to lay down our lives for God to live through us. We believe one of the greatest gifts on earth is the infilling of the Holy Spirit, known as the “baptism in the Holy Spirit”, and it is available to all who believe (Acts 8:15-17). Receiving the Holy Spirit is fundamental to the entrance into the kingdom and to living in the new covenant. This baptism is usually accompanied by the gifts of the Spirit such as speaking in tongues, prophecy, etc. The purpose of this baptism in the Holy Spirit is to impart spiritual power to the believer to be a witness of Jesus (Acts 1:8). We believe that when the Holy Spirit fills a person, their lives radically change and will begin to bear the fruits of the Spirit as they walk in intimacy with Him.
Creation of Man
We believe in creation as it is in Genesis and not by an accident or evolution. Man was created by God from the dust of the earth, without sin until pride entered Adam and Eve. Their sin brought death into creation for all mankind resulting in separation between God and man. Therefore, Jesus’ atoning sacrifice made it possible for us to come before the throne of Grace (Hebrew 4:16).